According to my husband, I am sometimes obsessive compulsive and when I get home from vacation tends to be one of those times. I think I need to get everthing done yesterday. I totally drive Dustin crazy getting "caught up" and doing house projects that I think need done immediately! So I am way behind on blogging about our trip but I have totally painted Dalton's old bedroom and turned it into my new office, rearranged our kitchen, and made Samara's birthday invitations! So I am feeling somewhat accomplished although I still feel the need to clean out our garage, put up some of Samara's too small clothes, and just organize. But enough with my need to clean and organize. Here is more about our trip!
The day after our anniversary we planned on taking the Road to Hana but Dustin woke up not feeling well. What we thought was food poisoning or a stomach virus turned out to be a trip to the ER and a kidney stone. Not very much fun for him but we are so thankful that he did not get ill while we were traveling to or from Hawaii and that he recovered within 24 hours and we only lost 1 day of our vacation.
So the very next day we took off on the Road to Hana! It was a 13 hour road trip that started with some humongous pancakes. I don't think this picture even does justice! We sure wish the waitress had told us how big they were because we ordered 3 all together! No we could not eat it all.

The Road to Hana is very windy, curvy roads on the back side of the island. The road has over 50 one lane bridges and many blind curves. There are many places to stop and hike to waterfalls. Here is one of our first stops - Twin Falls. There were two water falls. The second much larger. You had to wade through water to get to the water falls.
This picture is taken from underneath the water fall.

Here are some other waterfalls we saw along the way.

We stopped at a really cool black beach. It was made of little black stones and sand from the volcano. It was beautiful. The water looked so blue up against the black. The waves were crashing right onto the shore because this side of the island faces the open ocean.

Then we made it to Hana. But it is really not anything to write about. Just a small town with one General Store. The real attraction was Homoa Beach just outside of Hana. It is absolutely beautiful and was so fun to play in! I don't have any pictures to post because we used our water camera and we haven't developed it yet. Here is a pic of us along the way.

We made it to Hana but do you think we stopped when we saw this sign on the road?

Nope. We just went around it. Lucky for us it was a weekend and they were not doing any road construction. We made it to our final destination...Oheo Gulch also known as the 7 sacred pools. Here are pics of 2 of the lower pools. We did not hike to all of them. It was late in the day and we still had to retrace our way all the way back.
In fact it was so late and we were so tired by the time we got back to civilization that we decided to go straight to our hotel room to get showers and we just ordered in pizza for the night. It was a fun day spent together!