Friday, January 29, 2010

Drama Queen

My little drama queen has been keeping me busy! Last week I had a parent teacher conference with Lyric's teacher. She told me that Lyric was a bright child but that she could be a little manipulative. "What? Not my Lyric!" I said. According to the teacher Lyric refused to say her alphabet or even identify basic shapes such as a circle and then Lyric proceeded to tell her teacher with great drama and tears, her momma NEVER lets her practice her letters or her shapes and that was why she didn't know them. How could I respond to that! I really just had to laugh. Especially since I know Lyric knows all her letters and her shapes. In fact we had just practiced them all with flash cards and her Dora Shape book. Fortunately Lyric's teacher was well aware that Lyric knew her alphabet and shapes but I still felt the need to explain and justify myself. I guess we are going to have to work on telling the truth a little more than on our letters and shapes!

Lyric still gets some of her words confused. Particularly when this situation occurs. "Lyric did you hit Dalton?" Looking at me with big earnest eyes. "I did it on purpose mommy". Trying not to laugh, "Lyric do you mean you did it on accident?" "No, I did it on purpose, I didn't mean to" LOL....sometimes all I can do is just laugh.

The other night we were going to eat out and Lyric informed me that she did not want to eat any Mexicans! I expained to her that we don't eat people! I guess she is tired of the Spanish food around the corner from the church. I on the other hand love it!

Lyric has become the little mommy to Samara and Samara eats it up. They play house together. Lyric holds Samara, dresses her up, and pushes her around in the baby stroller (until it broke!). I love watching them play together and to see the bond they are developing.
Lyric is still the most energetic one in the house. Some days I am tired just watching her but I would not trade her for anything. No one in the world does my hair and makeup like Lyric!

18 Months and going Potty...What's next?

I'm a total crybaby when I think about Samara growing up. I never thought I would be this way but everytime she does something new or outgrows something I get so sentimental. So even though most parents would be thrilled if their child decided to potty train themselves...I am a little sad that over the past month that is exactly what Samara decided to do.

We bought Samara a little potty and put it in the bathroom. I had no intention of potty training her until she turned two this summer but I thought it might be a good thing if she was used to it. I never tried to make her sit on it or even asked her if she wanted to go peepee. But one day about a week after Christmas she came into the bathroom and pointed at her little potty. I asked her if she needed to go peepee and she shook her head yes. So I took off her diaper and let her sit on it. I was not even really paying attention when all of a sudden the potty started singing! Apparently we bought the musical potty! Samara went peepee the first time she sat on her potty. She continued to go into the bathroom over the next week at various times and go peepee. I never made her go or pushed her to go. It was just something she wanted to do and has continued to do.

So at this point Samara wears a diaper at night. She goes peepee first thing in the morning and then I put a diaper back on her. When she gets to school her teacher puts her in big girl panties and she wears them all day. She does have accidents but overall is doing great! She even went #2 in the potty last week! I continue to put her in diapers when we are going to be away from home or school. I'm definitely not ready to take her to a public restroom and she is still so little.

My baby girl is growing up more and more every day. She had her 18 month check up last week. She weighs 23 lbs and is in the 78th percentile for height. She is totally healthy and continues to be off of all medications. She is saying more and more words every day. I love that she is learning to pray and ends her prayers by saying "MAN!" as loud as she can. From time to time she gives us a good glimpse of her wild side in the form of miniature tantrums. But they are usually very short lived and she usually goes to find Dalton or Lyric for sympathy. It is too cute! Oh...she also does this really cheesy but cute smile where she shows her front teeth when I take her picture.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

PaPa and NaNa

As I mentioned in my earlier post...PaPa and NaNa were supposed to arrive on Christmas day but due to a crazy Oklahoma bizzard they were not able to leave until the Monday after Christmas. So I was definitely a little sad on Christmas day but glad that we had kept it a surprise and the kids had no idea what they were missing. In fact we didn't tell the kids that NaNa and PaPa were coming at all and Monday evening when we went to pick them up at the airport, they actually thought we were flying somewhere and Lyric couldn't understand why we didn't take any bags! I thought I would die from anticipation when we were waiting for them to get off the plane. The kids were so surprised they didn't even recognize them at first!

Here is NaNa and her girls! I'm sure she will love me posting this one!We took NaNa and PaPa sight seeing despite the freezing cold temperatures. You can't go sightseeing in New York City without experiencing the subway! Dalton and Lyric are becoming pros! The kids loved playing on the BIG piano at FAO Swartz on 5th Ave.
One day the kids stayed home with the sitter and we went out for some more sight seeing. Here is PaPa trying on some NY gangsta bling while we were in China town.
We took a trip on the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. The sight never gets old to me. I'm so thankful to live in America and to have the freedoms we have everyday.
We did more sightseeing in two days than I have done in a long time. From Central Park, Time Square, St. Patricks Cathedral, the Statue of Liberty, to China Town. Sightseeing is not all we did though. We definitely ate some good food! Dad had to try out the steaks at Ruths Chris Steakhouse and I don't think he was dissapointed. One evening we went with friends to Ninja NewYork. Dad heard about it on the Food Network and it was definitely an experience. I was proud of myself for trying food that I normally would never try. We had lots of fun!
Here is Samara and PaPa the day they left. Like the other grandbabies...she has learned that PaPa knows how to spoil with candy and backrubs!

We sent PaPa and NaNa home on a full stomach by taking them to Katz Deli and Veniero's Bakery just before taking them to the airport. We had so much fun and are so thankful that they came to visit. We are truly blessed to have them in our life!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas...a little late!

I know I'm way, way, way behind. But we've been busy ....and when we haven't been busy I've chosen to spend time just enjoying my family. I have lots to blog about and share! We had a great Christmas! We spent the holiday at home and it was nice staying at home and not traveling from here to there!

Daddy in his Steelers Santa hat getting ready to ready the story about baby Jesus Christmas Eve.

Me and the kids reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas".

This is the best we could do of the kids in front of the tree Christmas morning. Its a pretty typical picture...Lyric modeling and Samara trying to get away!

Dalton wanted spy gear for Christmas....

Lyric wanted a Furr Real Kitty......

I don't really know what Samara wanted but she liked her pony...

and her ball popper toy. It was actually the favorite!

The kids were supposed to have another surprise Christmas day...but unfortunatey a winter storm in Oklahoma kept that from happening. PaPa and NaNa did show up several days later to spend some time with us. More to come about their visit in my next post!
Lyric sang in church the Sunday after Christmas for the first time with her friend, Eliana. To say she is not bashful is an understatement! I am so proud of her! Lyric always has a song on her lips and is moving to the beat.