I'm a total crybaby when I think about Samara growing up. I never thought I would be this way but everytime she does something new or outgrows something I get so sentimental. So even though most parents would be thrilled if their child decided to potty train themselves...I am a little sad that over the past month that is exactly what Samara decided to do.
We bought Samara a little potty and put it in the bathroom. I had no intention of potty training her until she turned two this summer but I thought it might be a good thing if she was used to it. I never tried to make her sit on it or even asked her if she wanted to go peepee. But one day about a week after Christmas she came into the bathroom and pointed at her little potty. I asked her if she needed to go peepee and she shook her head yes. So I took off her diaper and let her sit on it. I was not even really paying attention when all of a sudden the potty started singing! Apparently we bought the musical potty! Samara went peepee the first time she sat on her potty. She continued to go into the bathroom over the next week at various times and go peepee. I never made her go or pushed her to go. It was just something she wanted to do and has continued to do.
So at this point Samara wears a diaper at night. She goes peepee first thing in the morning and then I put a diaper back on her. When she gets to school her teacher puts her in big girl panties and she wears them all day. She does have accidents but overall is doing great! She even went #2 in the potty last week! I continue to put her in diapers when we are going to be away from home or school. I'm definitely not ready to take her to a public restroom and she is still so little.
Yay Samara!!! What a big girl!! I know how you feel about not wanting her to grow up. Ava starting using her potty this week and I have mixed feelings about it! I'm excited for her but it also means she's getting closer to not being a baby anymore! That's great to hear that Samara is still off all her meds! I love her big cheesy grin! Give her kiss for us!! We miss you guys!!
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