My goal was to update once a week....but I am already behind! Time is definitely precious and I've learned that my time with the kids is more important than being on the computer so I blog when I feel like it after the kids are in bed. The week before last we had visitors! I know we just moved and we barely had unpacked but it was sooo much fun! Dustin's cousin, Tanner, and his wife, Amanda, and their precious little girl, Ava.We had beautiful weather and then they came and brought all the cold and rainy weather they have been having in Oklahoma. We really enjoyed our time with them. Amanday and I went to see Mamma Mia while the guys stayed home with the kids. We had a blast! Especially because we had awesome seats in the 2nd row right behind the conductor! The next evening Tanner and Dustin went to a Yankees playoff game while Amanda and I stayed home with the kids. We watched the movie Mamma Mia and decided that the play was much better. On Saturday we took the kids to a Children's Museum in Manhattan. Here are the kids all bundled up waiting on the train (Subway).
Dalton loved building things with blocks at the museum.
Samara is one crazy driver!
Lyric surprisingly did not cooperate this day for pictures. Here's a pic of Samara on the train. She's a true City Girl!
Tanner and Amanda left that Sunday and with them went the bad weather! Last week we enjoyed our first full week in New York without any visitors! It was nice to get into a regular schedule. The kids are doing wonderful at their new school. Our days start extremely early but the kids hardly complain. They are experiencing new things. Dalton loves watching all the cars and Lyric is curious about all the different languages that people speak. She asked me the other day if she goes to a "Spanish School"! I told her no but that she goes to a diverse school that has children from many different countries so they may speak different languages. There are not many blond haired blue eyed kids here and she is definitely noticing the difference! I think she really likes it because all the older girls at the school think that Lyric and Samara are SO CUTE! I do too! Dalton has to fix his hair by himself everyday. It is quite interesting because he takes forever to "fix" his hair and when he is finished I sometimes have to hide my smile. Let's just say he has been having some "fun" hairstyles.
I recently took Samara off of her acid reflux medication and this past weekend we gave Samara Spaghetti with red sauce for the 1st time. She did wonderful! She slept all night and I did not notice any problems!! She really enjoyed the spaghetti!

She loves macaroni & cheese too!

So we were busy this weekend looking for a 2nd vehicle. We didn't find one yet. I attended a bridal shower for a friend that is getting married in December. It was at a tea house in Manhattan. It was lots of fun getting away for a while and enjoying the tea party! Dustin took Dalton and Lyric to see Where the Wild Things Are. I think they had a great time. Samara stayed with a sitter. The rest of the weekend was spent going to church and preparing for the church's Fall Festival this coming weekend. I will share more about that later. We are all doing really well. I can't tell you how proud of the kids I am. They are really amazing!

I recently took Samara off of her acid reflux medication and this past weekend we gave Samara Spaghetti with red sauce for the 1st time. She did wonderful! She slept all night and I did not notice any problems!! She really enjoyed the spaghetti!

She loves macaroni & cheese too!
So we were busy this weekend looking for a 2nd vehicle. We didn't find one yet. I attended a bridal shower for a friend that is getting married in December. It was at a tea house in Manhattan. It was lots of fun getting away for a while and enjoying the tea party! Dustin took Dalton and Lyric to see Where the Wild Things Are. I think they had a great time. Samara stayed with a sitter. The rest of the weekend was spent going to church and preparing for the church's Fall Festival this coming weekend. I will share more about that later. We are all doing really well. I can't tell you how proud of the kids I am. They are really amazing!