Friday, January 29, 2010
Drama Queen
Posted by Dee at 11:52 AM 1 comments
Labels: Lyric
18 Months and going Potty...What's next?
I'm a total crybaby when I think about Samara growing up. I never thought I would be this way but everytime she does something new or outgrows something I get so sentimental. So even though most parents would be thrilled if their child decided to potty train themselves...I am a little sad that over the past month that is exactly what Samara decided to do.
Posted by Dee at 11:36 AM 1 comments
Labels: Potty Training, Samara
Saturday, January 23, 2010
PaPa and NaNa
As I mentioned in my earlier post...PaPa and NaNa were supposed to arrive on Christmas day but due to a crazy Oklahoma bizzard they were not able to leave until the Monday after Christmas. So I was definitely a little sad on Christmas day but glad that we had kept it a surprise and the kids had no idea what they were missing. In fact we didn't tell the kids that NaNa and PaPa were coming at all and Monday evening when we went to pick them up at the airport, they actually thought we were flying somewhere and Lyric couldn't understand why we didn't take any bags! I thought I would die from anticipation when we were waiting for them to get off the plane. The kids were so surprised they didn't even recognize them at first!

We sent PaPa and NaNa home on a full stomach by taking them to Katz Deli and Veniero's Bakery just before taking them to the airport. We had so much fun and are so thankful that they came to visit. We are truly blessed to have them in our life!
Posted by Dee at 5:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Christmas...a little late!
Me and the kids reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas".
This is the best we could do of the kids in front of the tree Christmas morning. Its a pretty typical picture...Lyric modeling and Samara trying to get away!
Lyric wanted a Furr Real Kitty......
I don't really know what Samara wanted but she liked her pony...
and her ball popper toy. It was actually the favorite!
The kids were supposed to have another surprise Christmas day...but unfortunatey a winter storm in Oklahoma kept that from happening. PaPa and NaNa did show up several days later to spend some time with us. More to come about their visit in my next post!