This post is all about Dalton. He is growing so fast and at times he thinks he is already a teenager. He thinks he is really big stuff now that he has the only bedroom downstairs. It took a few weeks but we finally got the downstairs painted and carpet laid in Dalton's room and the play room. He couldn't wait to move in. Here are a couple of pics of his room. We haven't decorated yet but it will be a space theme as Dalton really wants to be an astronaut or a pilot. He has his heart set on going to space camp in a couple of years.
Dalton has had quite the learning experience over the last couple of months and so have we! He is reaching that stage where he needs more information about certain things if you know what I mean. So a couple of nights a week after the girls are in bed we have been having special time to talk about "older" things with Dalton. Oh the joys of parenthood! I was definitely not ready for this stage.
We took a short overnight trip to Pennsylvania during the kids Winter Break in February. We took them to the Crayola Factory!
This past week was the school's Academic Fair. Dalton had to choose a country from Asia. He chose Israel. I was really not looking forward to doing, I mean "helping" Dalton with this but I think his board turned out nice and we made Chocolate Matzoh, a Jewish passover snack for his project. He also had to give an oral presentation which went well.
Dalton and I can definitely have our moments. Homework time is not one our favorite times of the day. We have months that go by without any problems or issues and then out of nowhere we are reminded in not so pleasant ways that Dalton at times struggles with emotional and behavioral issues. The last couple of months have been one of these times. It should really be no surprise. We have had lots of changes and Dalton has even had changes at school as his teacher had to take an extended leave. We are working through it though. I'm just having to learn to stand my ground and not give in when I feel sorry for him. It's tough especially when I know the loving, caring, and sensitive kid he is. My prayer is that Dalton becomes confident in who he is and most of all in God who will never leave him.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
All About Dalton
Posted by Dee at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dalton
Friday, March 18, 2011
Christmas, Snow, Moving, and a Blessing!
I'm back! I know it's been quite a long break but I've had my reasons!
We spent a wonderful Christmas in Oklahoma visiting all our friends and family. I don't know how but I didn't get any pictures of my dad and Cindy :(When we returned to New York we found not only 2 feet of snow waiting for us but we found that Santa Clause did not forget Dalton, Lyric, or Samara while we were away!
As soon as Christmas was over we started packing for the big move to our new house. We also played in the snow!
Well Dalton and Lyric did! Samara informed us she did not like the snow and was just as happy to stay inside and play on her slide. Unfortunately for her, the snow kept coming until we were all sick of it.
On January 14th we closed on our house and despite all the snow we moved on the 15th. Thanks to all our friends who helped us. It was a very busy and exhausting weekend. Needless to say our family spent the next 2 to 3 weeks recuperating as we all got sick right after we moved into our new house. No fun!! It takes a while for a family of five to get rid of the sick germ. We did get better and we spent the month of February slowly unpacking and settling in our new house. There is lots to do but we will eventually get there.
As if the move was not enough change for our family, we shared even bigger news with our kids in February. We are going to have a baby! I was a little nervous about how Dalton and Lyric would take it, but I shouldn't have been. I haven't seen two happier kids in my life! They could hardly keep the secret for 1 week and when we told them they could tell, well they told everyone who would listen. Samara was not so excited at first. She kept telling me that she was the baby but she has slowly warmed up and when you ask her where the baby is now she will say "mommy's tummy" or "in my tummy".
We feel so blessed to be expecting again! There is nothing like the anticipation of holding a gift from heaven. Our little bundle of joy will join us around September 7th. I'm finding being pregnant with 3 kids is quite a job. I had just started feeling better and was getting my energy back when I had a few complications and I'm now having a few days of bed rest. (No worries - baby is ok!) I think God was just trying to get my attention to slow down a little bit. If you know me, you know I have a really hard time with that.
So now you also know why I'm finally blogging. I'm bored! I have a post I want to do updating on each of the kids so....stay tuned! I will be back soon.
Posted by Dee at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Home is Where the Heart Is
I'm going to post pics of Dalton and Lyric during their school spirit week but I haven't got the pictures transferred from my phone to the laptop yet. Sooooo... that will have to wait.
Did you hear?! We are buying a house here in NYC! We are so excited! Well as excited as you can be about moving in the middle of January! We were actually thinking about it this summer but nothing really seemed to catch our eye. Then a few months later a friend of ours texted us a picture of a house they saw in their neighborhood. It was really cute but from the outside it looked pretty small. I decided to look at it anyway and was surprised at how big it actually was. I'm not usually a fan of older things (including houses) but this house has such character! Anyway... after about 2 months of praying, discussing, praying, inspections, more praying, we have finally signed a contract. We should close sometime in January and we plan on moving in very soon afterward.The house has some work we want to do to but it will take some time and don't plan on doing anything but painting and putting in new carpet in 2 rooms when we first move in.
Here are just a few things I love about the house:
- The front yard is very cute with white iron fence.
- The back yard is even better. No grass - all cement! It has nice white privacy fence and a flower bed that runs along the fence with a very cute fig tree.
- The house has central AC (almost unheard of in NYC).
- The house was previously split into a two family home so it has 2 kitchens. The basement kitchen is our favorite and opens right up to the back door (seen above). Perfect for summer grilling! We plan to eventually get rid of the upstairs kitchen and use the room for something else.
- The house has plenty of room for our above average size of family. (4 bedrooms and 2 family rooms.) The kids will love all the new hiding places. They are running out of places to hide in our current location during hide and go seek!
- The house has lots of storage and a very large attic.
- We will have 2 bathrooms! Living in an apartment with 1 bathroom for a family of 5 is not always easy.
- We are just blocks away from our closest friends and one block away from our favorite park.
I really wish we could skip over the month of January. I really dread moving especially in the cold of winter but I know that it will all be worth it when this house becomes our home! The Penland Bed & Breakfast will be open in June of 2011! All friends and family are welcome!
Posted by Dee at 5:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: family
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I'm So Thankful....
- I'm so thankful for my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It's by his grace and mercy that I wake up every morning, that I know I am forgiven, and that I am blessed beyond measure.
- I'm so thankful for my husband. I love him so much and feel blessed to be married to such a wonderful man and father.
- I'm so thankful for my children. Dalton, Lyric, and Samara are each so special in their own way. They make life wonderful and remind me to enjoy the small things.
- I'm so thankful for my parents. I'm thankful that they have always been there when I needed them and that I can still call them up with any problem I have. I'm also thankful that they each have wonderful spouses who I have grown to love dearly.
- I'm so thankful for my grandparents and Dustin's grandparents. I'm thankful to still have them in our lives and for the time we are have been and are able to spend with them.
- I'm so thankful for my church family and friends here in New York. They are truly family. It amazes me how you can meet some people in your life and just know that they were put in your life by God.
- I'm so thankful for our special friends in Oklahoma. They have been there through the good, the bad, and the ugly and they are still there.
- I'm so thankful for the health of my family.
- I'm so thankful that both my husband and I have good jobs. I'm thankful that we not only have jobs but that we enjoy what we do.
- I'm so thankful for God's provision. We have never wanted for food, shelter, or clothes. He has always provided.
Posted by Dee at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
School Days
It has been a great school year thus far! Dalton is in 3rd grade and he loves his teachers. I think they love him too! Dalton tested so high in Math that he gets to be a part of Math Olympics every Wednesday during recess. Giving up recess to do math is pretty impressive! This year Dalton was able to choose one elective class. He chose drama and he is really excited about his performance as "Tex" in the upcoming Christmas program. I wonder if it was coincidence that he was chosen to be "Tex"!? Twice a week Dalton attends the after school's Tae Kwon Do classes. According to his Master, Dalton is excelling. This year seems to be much easier for Dalton. He is no longer the new kid and everyone knows he belongs to Mr. Penland. He has a good group of friends and he is slowly getting used to all the homework.
Lyric started Kindergarten this year. She was very nervous about this as she started Kindergarten last year and due to the changes in her life we found it was not the right time. She had nothing to worry about though. She has wonderful teachers and she has not had any problems this year. Lyric is known to bring a smile to everyone's face. Her favorite thing to do at school is play at the playdough table. Lyric is starting to read and wants to know how to spell everything. I remember when Dalton went through this stage. I'm glad to see that she is finally excited about learning. Lyric is not in the same class as her best friend Eliana, but they spend plenty of time together throughout the day!
Samara continues to stay with Iris at the school. She absolutely loves Iris and all her little friends. Samara is learning her colors, letters, and numbers. She can say her ABC's and can count to 12. It depends what day you ask her about colors if she knows them or not! lol
That's our school update. Next week is School Spirit week and I will be posting pictures of Dalton and Lyric all dressed up.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Last But Definitely Not Least
I really should catch up on Lyric's summer before its Christmas! I have been so busy/tired/really don't feel like blogging here lately. Lyric on the other hand is never too busy, never too tired, and always wants to do something fun! Seriously she asks me every single day, "Mom, what fun thing are we doing today?!" Her energy is exhausting but I wouldn't have it any other way. She makes me smile, laugh, and cry on a daily basis. I'm glad that she gave each of her grandparents a good dose of Lyric this summer. Lyric went to Oklahoma with Dalton and stayed 3 weeks before we came too. She had a great time but was definitely ready to come home. She later told me that I shouldn't have let her be gone for so long! I totally agree!
Lyric spends a lot of time with her best friend Eliana. They are best friends that love to fight if you know what I mean. They can't stand to be apart and can't stand to be together! Last year they were in the same class at school but this year they are in separate classes which seems to make their time together more fun!
This is a picture of Lyric on the 4th of July. Our friends invited us over. Their entire block closes the street for a block party. They rent a huge water slide that the kids absolutely loved!
Lyric's 6th Birthday party began with one of the things she loves the most....pony rides.
Yes...she is wearing a tiara. All princesses must have a tiara.
Lyric asked for a Ariel beach birthday party. We really couldn't disappoint so we drug cake, pizza, presents, and friends to the beach after the pony rides. It was a great afternoon.....sand and all!
Lyric got an Easy Bake and a purple guitar!
Lyric is a great sister. She plays well with Dalton and Samara. I love listening to her and Samara play with their baby dolls or playing dress up together. Lyric always wants to know why her hair is turning darker and she cracks me up when she gets upset that she doesn't have dots on her face. She can't wait to lose her teeth and just really wants to grow up so she can have a baby kitty! Lyric can tell a story about school that lasts an hour and she gets so excited when you mention anything to do with sweets.
It's hard to believe that Lyric is already 6. She was just 17 months old when she came to live with us. At that time in my life I needed her as much as she needed me. I'm so thankful for the laughter she has brought and continues to bring to my life.
Posted by Dee at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Terrific Two!
My baby girl turned 2 this summer. It is so hard to believe. I have loved every minute of her and wish I could hold on to her sweet babyness just a bit longer. Unfortunately she seems just as determined to get BIG!
We had a team from Missouri visiting the church on Samara's actual birthday. So that evening we once again had watermelon and ice cream cake. As you can tell, watermelon was Samara's favorite!
I just love this picture of Samara and her best buddy Marcus sharing watermelon. They are so sweet with each other and I love that they are so close.
Another major milestone is that Samara is fully potty trained! She wears big girl panties all the time except for nighttime and has had very few accidents. She probably won't even wear pull-ups at night much longer as she is usually dry in the morning when she wakes up.
Posted by Dee at 3:51 PM 1 comments
Labels: Samara