Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Valentines!
This past week I took off to attend each of the kids school Valentines Parties. Lyric's party was on Thursday. She had a great time. Here are a few pics.
Posted by Dee at 8:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Moving Clouds and Stinkin Tomatoes!
Lyric has always been a lively child and constantly keeps us amused with her sayings. The past few weeks she has not disappointed. She is always especially talkative while in the car, I guess because she has nothing else to do. We were driving to school Monday morning and Lyric was being unusually quiet. The sky was still dark from the rain that had came through earlier during the night and parts of the clouds were breaking up and you could see the light blue sky coming thru. Lyric all of a sudden said, "Look Mom, the clouds are moving apart so we can see God and where he lives." It totally warmed my heart to hear the awe in her voice and how excited she was to see God.
Yesterday morning we were on our way to school again and Dalton was concerned that he would not get to play outside because of rain. I told him that I did not think that it was going to rain during the day but it was supposed to rain that evening. Lyric proceeded to let us know, "I don't want no stinkin tomatoes tonight. They make me scared and I am not going to go outside" Dalton and I laughed at Lyric calling tornadoes, "tomatoes". Little did we know what the day would bring. We are so blessed that we were not hit by the bad storms that came through the area. I am always a little nervous about storms because growing up we lived in a trailer and when storms came through we would always rush to the cellar. I pray that God will be with all of the families that lost their loved ones and their homes.
Posted by Dee at 8:21 PM 2 comments
Fifty, Fifty!!
Posted by Dee at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Babies Come From Vitamins!
Couldn't resist blogging about the conversation I had with Lyric this afternoon. She came up to me and said, "Mom, I'm never gonna become a mommy." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Because I haven't been taking my vitamins. Babies come from vitamins and I haven't been taking them because I sometimes spit them out and today you didn't even give me one." So needless to say I quickly got her a vitamin for the day and she ate it. She was happy. "Now when I grow up there will be babies in my tummy!"
Posted by Dee at 2:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: Lyric
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Truly Blessed
I'm tired of being at home and of having sick kids. Last week we were all snowed in and the kids did not have school for 3 days. Lyric was also sick with the stomach bug. This past weekend Samara started running a fever and was very congested. Thankfully I took her to the Dr. on Monday and found out that she had an upper respiratory infection and the RSV virus. It was hard to see my baby so sick. She could barely breathe through her nose or mouth because of her congestion. I am happy to report that she is now doing much better and we are looking forward to enjoying a warm weekend! No more sickness!!
My grandma came up on Monday and stayed the past four days with us taking care of Samara and helping me with the kids in the evenings. Dustin has had parent teacher conferences in the evenings this week and has worked late most nights. I have always had a close relationship with my grandma and she has always been there for me when I have needed her the most. She taught me to sew (kind of!) and play cards, and best of all she showed me by example how to stay close to God. I always gain bits of wisdom from her whenever I am with her. This week was no exception. I greatly enjoyed our talks, playing rummikub after the kids were in bed, and most of all just having her presence here. She is and has truly been a blessing to my life.
Posted by Dee at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: family
Sunday, February 1, 2009
This Little Light of Mine...
Yesterday I was rocking Samara to sleep and singing the song "This Little Light of Mine". While singing I had a God moment. You know that moment where He speaks to your heart ever so softly and you just know it was him.
I was at the part that goes "Don't let Satan (blow) it out, I'm gonna let it shine". As a child you make the blowing noise and imagine a real light being blown out but as I sang the song yesterday a whole new meaning came to mind. Recently I have let circumstances, situations, and just life blow out my "light". Satan doesn't physically come and blow out our "light" but he sends things our way and how we handle those things affects our "light". I don't want to lose the "light" God has put in my heart, but at times I am afraid I already have.
It's up to me to keep that "light" shining and that's what I intend to do. It's not about what happens to me in life, it's how I handle it. Most important is staying close to God, letting him once again light up my life.
Posted by Dee at 12:57 PM 1 comments