Sunday, February 1, 2009

This Little Light of Mine...

Yesterday I was rocking Samara to sleep and singing the song "This Little Light of Mine". While singing I had a God moment. You know that moment where He speaks to your heart ever so softly and you just know it was him.
I was at the part that goes "Don't let Satan (blow) it out, I'm gonna let it shine". As a child you make the blowing noise and imagine a real light being blown out but as I sang the song yesterday a whole new meaning came to mind. Recently I have let circumstances, situations, and just life blow out my "light". Satan doesn't physically come and blow out our "light" but he sends things our way and how we handle those things affects our "light". I don't want to lose the "light" God has put in my heart, but at times I am afraid I already have.
It's up to me to keep that "light" shining and that's what I intend to do. It's not about what happens to me in life, it's how I handle it. Most important is staying close to God, letting him once again light up my life.


Tiffany Cooper said...

So true. Thanks for sharing how God spoke to your heart through that cute song we sang as kids.