Where do I begin?! So much has happened over the past week and I was planning on blogging sooner but you know how that goes.

Unfortunately Samara got an ear infection during the week. At first we thought she was just teething but realized that it was more that that. So we took a trip to the dr. and got antibiotics after a couple of days with medicine, Samara was feeling back to her normal self! We spent these evenings doing some Spring cleaning and just plain relaxing at home.
Friday night we went bowling with our Community Group at Redpin down in Bricktown. It was lots of fun! Samara even went and she did not know what to think about everyone making so much noise. Saturday morning Samara went with Mamaw and Peepaw for her first overnight visit! Mommy took it a lot harder than she did. In fact Mamaw said Samara slept all night without any problems. So Saturday we had no kids and we took full advantage. I scrapbooked all day with a friend and Dustin played golf with a group of men from our church. After we finished we had dinner at Chili's. It was a great day! We got up early Sunday morning and drove to Elk City to pick up Dalton and Lyric. Have I mentioned I missed them so much. Then we went to church with Mamaw and Peepaw and picked up Samara. I missed her too! We spent the day in Elk City visiting family and returned home that evening. It felt so good to be home with all of the kids again. I was ready to get back to our normal routine. Breaks are good but I am always glad to get back to "normalcy". Here are a few pics I took of Samara during Spring Break.

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