I have so much to write about. The past week has been busy, fun, and exhausting. Thursday night we colored eggs. The winds here were fierce and right in the middle of us coloring our eggs we start hearing a loud noise in our backyard. We all ran to our back door and watched our swingset blow over and crumble. The kids were sad and it looks like Dustin has a new project!

Our finished product!
Friday night we had our Community Group Easter Celebration. We had a great time letting the kids hunt eggs in our front yard (due to the mess in our back yard) and playing Cranium with friends.
Liam was having fun!
Emery was finding eggs!
Saturday we headed to the mall. I had the kids Easter pictures made and they had to say hi to the Easter bunny. That afternoon we met Dustin's family at Toby Keith's restaurant. The food was great. We all went to the Bass Pro Shop. The kids looked at the fish and played. MiMi and PaPa Tad brought the kids lots of candy and Easter goodies. Then we went to the Saturday evening service at our church and served in the kids ministry. It was a long and fun day.
Sunday we got up early and headed to Elk City. We went to church with Mamaw and PeePaw. Their church had an Easter egg hunt after the services and of course we had to stay for that. Then we went to PaPa and Nana's house for dinner. More Easter goodies followed. We spent the afternoon relaxing and enjoying our time with family. Samara got to stay the night at PaPa's house but the rest of us had to head back to Mustang. We had work and school the next day! I'm exhausted just thinking about everything we did this past weekend. We did save the best for last though.
Mom, what did you put on me?

My little Easter bunnies!

Easter was the first holiday that we had Dalton and Lyric. This one made our fourth Easter together. The first Easter they were with us, Dustin's aunt bought the kids Ressurection Eggs. It is a plastic egg crate of different colored eggs. Each egg contains a different object that symbolizes the story of the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus. The kids absolutely love their Ressurection Eggs and we have made it a tradition to specifically sit down as a family and talk about the story as we go through the eggs. This year was no different. Sunday night when we got home we pulled out the Ressurection eggs and started talking about Jesus. This is by far one of the most special times I enjoy with the kids but this year seemed even more special than past years. Dalton and Lyric were both able to help tell the story and they seemed to understand it better now that they are getting older. I must be truthful, I have really been struggling the past couple weeks with the fact that Dalton and Lyric will no longer be with us on a daily basis. I struggle to understand why I was allowed to care for them as my own for this long to only lose them to a situation that is far from ideal. But I must cling to the truth that I do know and that is this. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 Jesus came and died on the cross to bring reconciliation between a loving God and a world that was lost. I do not know the answers, I don't even understand the situation, but I do know that I want reconciliation in my family and I am committed to trust the one who brought reconciliation to the whole world. He did that by giving up His son. How hard that must have been. I'm so blessed that God loved me enough to let go of His own son I am blessed that He will be right by my side as I let go of Dalton and Lyric.
So tonight I will end this blog by asking you to pray. Please pray for my sister and her boyfriend. Pray that they will turn their lives over to a loving God who loves them no matter what. Pray for Dalton and Lyric. Pray for their safety. Pray that even though they do not have the power to fully understand what it going on that they will have peace and will know they are loved. Pray for me and Dustin. We are each hurting in our own way. Pray that we will learn from this and use it to grow closer to God and to each other.
We will be praying. It looks like you guys had a great Easter!! I can't believe your play set blew over!!
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