Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We Are On the Move!!!

Samara started crawling!!! She is going everywhere! I can see our life changing right before our eyes. She decided to go wondering through the house today.... I found her in her bedroom :) There is no stopping her now.

She has also finally decided it is time for teeth. She is cutting her first tooth! Yay!!! I can feel it but it is not all the way through yet. There will be pictures coming although she really doesn't like anyone messing with her mouth right now.

Samara still has a clogged tear duct. We went to see an eye specialist last week. He said we could go ahead and do the surgery or give it another 3 months. We opted for the 3 months. So hopefully some more time and massaging will do the trick.

I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing right now. Each stage is something new and exciting. It amazes me how much she has changed since she was born. Since we have got her acid reflux under control she has really calmed down and is such an easy baby. She is definitely indepedent, but...she didn't really have a choice about that with having me for a mom. I love how she watches things and how she has big bright blue eyes. I love listening to her jabber and the way she has started making funny sounds with her tongue. Well I gotta go ....she is into something again!


Amanda said...

Go, Samara, go!!! I can't belive she started crawling so fast!! She is such a sweetheart! Too bad we can't slow time down...our girls are growing way too fast!! Thanks for coming to Ava's party. It meant a lot to have you guys there!