Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sleep is a big topic at our house right now for several reasons.

Lyric is just a little over 4 years old and has decided that she no longer needs a nap. This is way different from Dalton. I think he would still take an afternoon nap if he could! So I have changed nap time to quiet time here lately. The only problem with that is who has ever known Lyric to do anything quietly. So I am constantly telling her to be quiet during quiet time. The upside to this is that she is more than ready for bed by 8:00 each night and sometimes even earlier.

Samara turned 3 months a few weeks ago and went from sleeping from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. to waking up every couple of hours. I thought that it was just a growth spurt but this getting up several times during the night is continuing. She also has started taking little cat naps in the afternoon instead of a nap for an hour or two. At times I try to let her fall asleep on her own but she usually will fall asleep after crying and then wake up 15 to 20 minutes later. This is frustrating to me. I did not think that her crying would bother me but it does so I usually just pick her up and console her which means I am not getting much rest day or night between Samara's sporadic sleeping and Lyric's "not so quiet" time. My mom thinks it is probably time that I move Samara into her own room and that we would sleep better but I am struggling with that so for right now I will just continue to be a little sleep deprived. They are only this little once! My goal is to have her sleeping in her own room by the time I go back to work in January which is getting closer and closer.


Amanda said...

We kind of have sleep issues at our house too! And...if it makes you feel any better, Ava is still sleeping in our room and she's over 6 months old!!! (And she'll probaby be in our room a while longer!)