We started our Christmas celebrations the week before Christmas with school parties and our Community Group Christmas Party. It all seems like a blur now but they were all a lot of fun. The Saturday before Christmas we headed to Elk City to have Christmas at my mom's. My sister and her boyfriend and his kids, my aunt and uncle, my grandma, and one of my cousins and his kids all came. There were kids everywhere! Samara surprised us when she grabbed the wrapping paper on her gift and went to town! It went straight to the mouth! Samara got a Jenny Jump Up and Dalton and Lyric got a large swimming pool for next summer. PeePa has some work to do in our back yard! We went to church with my mom and Richard on Sunday and enjoyed seeing many friends that we had not seen in a while. After church we all went out to eat at Montana Mikes in Clinton. The steak was delicious!

On Monday we went to stay at my dad's. I was able to spend some time with my Grandma. We went shopping and had lunch it was a great time. On Tuesday my sister and her bunch came over for Christmas. We had a great meal and a fun time together. Cindy had a huge shadow box made with collectibles from my dad's life. It was really neat and I think he liked it. Dustin won the annual coin guess. My dad and Cindy always fill a jar with coins and the person who has the closest guess wins the jar. Here is a picture of me and my sister and our kids.
Wednesday morning we headed to Woodward to spend the day with Dustin's family. We had a great time seeing his grandparents, mom, and aunts, uncles, and cousins. Dalton had a great time playing the Wii and Guitar Hero that some one brought. Dalton really wanted a Wii for Christmas!
We headed home Wednesday evening so we could spend Christmas morning at home. When we got home and unpacked we read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and the real Christmas story about baby Jesus to the kids. They put out cookies and milk for Santa and hurried to bed so he could come. I really thought Dalton might figure out the whole Santa thing this year, but if he has he hasn't let us know! Of course, Dustin and I were up really late for some reason that night! Christmas morning was great the kids woke up not too early and we had a great time opening up presents. There were toys and wrapping paper everywhere. I made a big breakfast and we spent the whole day in our pj's playing with toys!
Here are the kids Christmas morning. It's amazing how well they take a picture when they know they are about to open presents!

Lyric got a guitar with microphone, a v-smile pocket, a Dora sud n surprise doll, and clothes.

Samara rolled over and started opening her presents all by herself! She got a cd player, some toys and an outfit!

Dalton got a v-smile pocket, spy gear, clothes, and comic books!
Thanks to MiMi the whole family got a Wii!!!!
Later Christmas day we prepared Dalton and Lyric and packed their bags once more to go spend a week with their mom. This is the longest they have been away in the three years we have had them and it was hard to see them go after all the fun we had together but they were happy to spend time with their mom and the kids there. Dustin and I have been recuperating from the holiday run! Our house is quiet for now.
My mom and Richard visited the weekend after Christmas. They watched Samara Friday night while we went out on our first date since Samara was born. We had a great time! We ate at Red Lobster and went to watch Valkyrie but it was sold out so we settled on Marley & Me. The first half was so funny I cried and the last half I really cried. Saturday my mom, Samara, and I went shopping! My birthday is around the corner and this is our tradition around this time. We had a great day and everyone kept stopping us to say what a beautiful baby Samara is. I totally agree!!! That evening the four of us played cards. It was a good time.
Dustin and I have really taken advantage of the last few days at home together. We have rested, attempted to accomplish a few things around the house, rested, taken down Christmas decorations, and rested some more. We are playing on having a quiet New Year's Eve at home. This will be the first time in forever. Soon our life will get back to normal and we will be busy with work, school, and other good things. Happy New Year!