Thursday, December 4, 2008

Resting in His Arms

I'm so was another one of those days. Samara woke up having an "episode" whatever that is. All I know is that it is not good when my baby is in pain and all I can do is watch her cry. I realize I must focus on the positive of this day so that is what I will do.

*My great friend, Winnie, took time out of her day to be with me when I needed her. I love you Winnie, you are the greatest!

*Samara's episode was a lot shorter that previous episodes.

*My mom and her husband came and spent the day with me. They are so much fun to be with.

*We met a new GI specialist who seems to really listen and want to help us.

*Samara gets to start solid food!!!

*Even though it feels at times like I am walking this path alone, I know I am not. Not only do I have friends and loved ones that surround me, I have God carrying me in his arms.


Winnie said...

I am always there for you! Love you! Kiss that beautiful girl for me! Praise God for a shorter 'episode'. Yay for solid food!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad you found a GI doctor that you like and that will listen to you. That can make such a difference. We're keeping Miss Samara in our prayers!

By the way, I tagged you...go check out my blog for the rules!